BEMAX Fitness

BEMAX Fitness

9 Seasons

BEMAX is the fitness brand you trust to bring you the BEST in total body fitness! Work out with the best— the former FIRM Instructors, and build the body you’ve always wanted! If health and fitness are your goals, count on BEMAX to get you there!

BEMAX Fitness
  • Bemax: Cardio Challenge

    Episode 1

    Time to burn some fat! Allie Del Rio takes you through a quick but intense 5-minute calorie burning Challenge that is fun and effective! Allie shows you the first round, and you take it from there! Like all Challenge videos, do this separately, as part of a series of Challenge videos, (create you...

  • Bemax: Biceps Challenge

    Episode 2

    Want sexy arms? Join Alison as she takes you through a Biceps Challenge that features angled Bicep curls. Do this challenge when you're short on time, add it to your workout, or do it with our other great Challenge videos.

  • Bemax: Push-up Challenge

    Episode 3

    Don't have time to work out? You do have time to do pushups! Rebekah takes you through a great decline push up challenge. Do the first round with Rebekah and continue to do 3-5 rounds on your own. Add this great challenge to your existing workout or do it along with other great challenge videos f...

  • Bemax: Weighted Core Challenge

    Episode 4

    Your core is also known as you powerhouse! It's the center of your physical universe, so we want it to be strong. Rebekah Sturkie will take you through a Core Challenge with a single dumbbell that will certainly challenge you!

  • Bemax: Basic Biceps Challenge

    Episode 5

    Rebekah shows you a simple but effective way of working your biceps - hammer curls.

  • Bemax: Side Lunge and Kickbacks

    Episode 6

    Allie shows you a great compound move to work your glutes and your triceps in short order!

  • Bemax: Anterior Delt Shoulder Challenge

    Episode 7

    The Anterior Deltoid is the part of your shoulder that is rounded at the top - and working that part of your shoulder creates sexy shoulders!

  • Bemax: Plyometric Box Jumps

    Episode 8

    Are you ready for a Plyometric challenge? Box jumps will test your athletic prowess and build your lower body.

  • Bemax: Biceps Challenge

    Episode 9

    Want strong sexy biceps? Join Emily on the challenge to shape up your arms!

  • Bemax: Core Challenge

    Episode 10

    Boat Pose is one of the best ways to work your core. Can you answer the challenge?

  • Bemax: Cardio High Knees

    Episode 11

    Here's a great cardio, strength and endurance challenge from Rebekah!

  • Bemax: Jumping Jacks

    Episode 12

    How many jumping jacks can you do? Alison takes you through this great cardio challenge!

  • Bemax: Total Body Squat-Burpee-Pushup Challenge

    Episode 13

    Compound exercises are the quickest way to create a toned body. Emily puts together three of the best exercises for your glutes, upper body, arms, legs - well everything!

  • Bemax: Squat + Press Challenge

    Episode 14

    Get stronger quicker with these multi-move squats that work your lower body and upper body at the same time!

  • Bemax: Bent Row

    Episode 15

    Join Allie as she teaches you bent rows - great for your back and chest!

  • Bemax: Burpee Challenge

    Episode 16

    Burpee time again! This time it's One Arm Burpees. That's something to be thankful for!

  • Bemax: Squat Challenge

    Episode 17

    Rebekah challenges you to a Squat Challenge! Are you up to the task?

  • Bemax: Triceps Pushup Challenge

    Episode 18

    Add some challenge to your push up challenge with these challenging triceps pushups.

  • Bemax: Cardio HIIT Donkey Kicks

    Episode 19

    Donkey Kicks? Yep! Guaranteed to burn fat and tighten your glutes!

  • Bemax: Kettlebell Challenge

    Episode 20

    Join Emily in this fun challenge that uses a kettlebell combined with pushups to work both your gut and your butt! 10 sets of squat cleans walking out into pushups! Add this to any workout!

  • Bemax: Ultimate Plank Challenge

    Episode 21

    Planks are one of the best ways to get great abs! Rebekah Sturkie challenges you to give it your all in this plank challenge.

  • Bemax: Squat Challenge

    Episode 22

    Everyone knows Squats are the best exercise to work your entire lower body. Emily Welsh takes you through a Squat series called a "Drop" set, where you start with your heaviest and weight and lower the amount of weight you use for every set. It's an effective way to get results fast! Like all Cha...

  • Bemax: Runner's Workout

    Episode 23

    Are you a runner? Then this workout is for you! Don't just run - workout along the way! Alison shows you exercises you can do during your run that will not only help you get in shape faster, it will make your run more interesting!

  • Bemax: Vacation Workout

    Episode 24

    Who says you can't stay in shape on vacation? No excuses! Allie Del Rio takes you through a series of exercises you can do in your hotel room to keep in shape and look great when you get to the beach!